In a truly digital ecosystem, many organizations are working with remote employees and engaging with contractors who are working across time-zones. An off-shoot of this model, is what a Pune based startup Trawork is focussing on! Trawork helps you to take a customised trip for you and your friends, family and colleagues making the workation a very productive activity!
Vandita Purohit, Co-Founder at TravWork shares with us her story about her start-up TraWork!
I have been a travel buff since the time I understood ‘travelling’. And I never gave it up through the course of life- be it schooling, graduation, or a new job, getting married, owning businesses, or even motherhood. I was always working while I adorned all these roles one after the other. And I can proudly say that I am a workaholic and a travelholic. And while I was doing all of this back and forth I observed that a lot of people fear to lose the work-life balance while they are on a tour. With this thought in mind, I began researching and surveying about people and their travel preferences etc. And came up with a solution; that helps people travel and never lose out on any work or business at the same time; and called it TRAWORK= TRAVEL+ WORK. Trawork is especially for those who love their work/job and travelling as well.
What does a trip with Trawork entail?
A trip with Trawork will allow people to go on a ‘WORKATION’ and visit places you have always wanted to visit. Now a lot of you might think- ‘Who works on a Holiday ?’ It’s because in reality we never stop worrying about work even if we are on a vacation. We design our trips in a way that it benefits your business/ work in every possible way- it could be attending a conference, seminar, understanding other work cultures or even a business expo. The days are dedicated to working while the evening for exploring the vicinities, parties and fun activities. We urge people to take these trips as meeting people from different locations really broadens your perspective in ways that you might not be aware of. A typical trip with Trawork offers you the best of both worlds- work and vacation. And hey! Wouldn’t you all come back even happier from a trip if you didn’t miss out any work and did some business also?
About our trips and traction
Our trips are designed for people who fall in the age group of 18 to 42 years old and are working professionals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, artists, digital nomads, and everybody who is fond of both travelling and their profession. We are now a community of 4000+ traveller enthusiasts. We have successfully completed 7 international trips and we are running POC’s with 4-day India and our industry-focussed trips.
Our immediate plans
Include organizing 4-day India trips from six different hubs and 10-day trips in the India-circuit. In addition, we are looking at 10 -30 days international workations. This year we would be organising a workation to India for our foreign audience which will bring a lot of tourism in India.