If you handle the Instagram account for a travel brand then you know the pain. Signing out of your personal account to sign into the brand account. Add some more passwords to remember if your brand has multiple accounts. Either you have to manage multiple devices for multiple accounts or use third party apps that aren’t reliable. Don’t you wish it was more like Twitter? Just select what account you want to use and continue posting.
Now Instagram is granting us our wish and is testing the support for multiple accounts on the same app. The ability to log into multiple accounts is still in beta and will be rolled out in a while. If you are too eager to try out the feature, you can sign up for the Instagram Beta Program. The feature will be available on the updated version 7.12.0 (which you can download here) but just having the updated apk won’t do the job. The feature will be rolled out through a cloud based update.
Once you get the feature on your Instagram app, you can go to settings and scroll down to find the option of “Add account” below the button used to clear search history. Once you tap there, you will have the option to add an existing account or create a new account. After you have added another account, you will have a selector on your profile page near the top where you would find your username. A notification will assure you that you have switched the account successfully.
It is great that Instagram is testing this feature. We know how Instagram is a great platform for travel brands and this feature will make it easier for marketers to handle brand accounts (Read: Here is why travel brands shouldn’t miss out on Instagram). This will also facilitate posting resulting in increased usage of Instagram. Sources suggest that this feature is coming to Android only for now. So for the iPhone users, multiple account struggles are still there.
How many of you have already received the multiple account option already? Do tell us what you think of it.

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