has launched the UK’s most ethical way to travel, with mushroom leather seats, falafel, and a vegan driver forming part of the world’s first vegan coach. The brand new service, which will see move away from their usual blue exterior in favour of a planet-friendly green, is aimed at promoting the growing lifestyle of veganism while creating a vegan-friendly space for travelling across the UK.
The coach will be made entirely from animal-free products. The seats will be made from mushroom leather, and any other textiles used on the coach will be developed from hemp. A grass lawn will line the floors, and shoe-less journeys will be encouraged to allow travellers to experience “Earthing” throughout their trip.
All on-board food will be appropriate for vegans, with falafel, hummus, and protein shakes available to ensure passengers are fuelled for their onward journey. To safeguard against unnecessary waste, all food and beverage packaging sold on the coach will be edible.
To serve the food and keep passengers comfortable, will only deploy active vegans to staff the vegan coach. The new coach’s maiden voyage is coming soon, with ticket information announced shortly on Initially, the service will be running to and from the UK’s most popular cities for vegans*, Bristol and Edinburgh.